
Commercial debit and credit cards: What are they and how do they work?

Commercial debit and credit cards offer benefits such as expense tracking, insurance coverage, and fraud protection for corporate use. As they become the primary payment method for many business owners, Keep reading to Discover the advantages of commercial cards for businesses of all sizes types available for different use cases. Commercial cards are indispensable tools for helping businesses of all sizes accurately manage company purchases and operating expenses. The debit and credit cards are specially designed for corporate use, offering the business and cardholder various features and benefits. For example, you may get access to rewards programs, expense tracking, insurance coverage, and fraud protection through these cards. According to a TD Bank business payment trends report  more businesses are paying with commercial cards. The truth is, commercial card adoption has partly been driven by the need to move away from cash and check payments. Today, many organizations rely on c...

少爺占回歸野仔出新歌 《年輕的我們》大玩回憶攻勢想整喊Fans?

少爺占事隔6年終於歸隊,與一班野佬重拾青春,以樂隊野仔姿態推出新歌《年輕的我們》,大玩回憶攻勢,各位樂迷又係時候開定YouTube狂Loop。 野仔可謂陪伴不少8、90後成長,《相約在八王子》、《周慕雲》、《中學生應該談戀愛》等等歌曲,相信你隨時都可以唱出一段副歌。新歌《年輕的我們》第一句「不見不散 你我青春的時間」,旋律與歌詞正正出於《中學生應該談戀愛》,一個相隔8年的前後呼應,相信不少樂迷聽到都會覺得感動。 野仔返嚟喇!更向大家送上新歌《年輕的我們》。(MV截圖)


樂隊野仔事隔多年再次開騷,一連兩場的演唱會今晚(4日)於麥花臣場館開始,全場爆滿!野仔身穿寫着「香港野仔」的復古服裝登場,唱出《開始》及《野仔》等歌曲,歌迷即high爆企晒起身。上次成員何兆基以野佬身份開騷,一開口獨唱就走音,但今次他經過苦練後,總算唱得四平八穩。對於各成員可以再度聚頭,少爺占一度感觸落淚,而小胡則趁機宣布將於8月18日結婚,令歌迷大感驚喜! 演唱會唱至11點幾才完結,少爺占坦言很開心:「希望第二場我哋講少啲嘢,可以玩多啲歌!」得到很多祝福的小胡則表示感謝:「最感動係見到細細個就嚟睇我哋嘅歌迷,依家帶埋老公嚟睇!」DJ Pong指不少歌迷穿上野仔以前的演唱會Tee現身,令他們勾起不少回憶,而何兆基亦形容這晚氣氛很好,希望第二晚繼續good show! 等咗咁耐,野仔終於再開騷! 佢哋着上復古服裝登場。 佢哋演唱多首樂隊歌曲。 少爺占一度感觸落淚。 小胡話見到跟咗佢哋好多年嘅歌迷覺得好感動。


Yellow! (formerly: Wildchild (English: Wildchild)), is a band in Hong Kong, the current members include Xiao Hu (member of Xingshenjiang sanskrit), Chris (member of Bad Beilip), Wilson (member of Bad Beilip) Xingshen Jiang sanskrit members), Ming So and Hong (After10 members) five people. Ye Zai changed the team name to Yellow! in 2012, and later Ye Zai reunited and held a concert in 2018.


Sony相機 NEX-5R(小胡@野佬──2012年) 柏斯琴行(野佬──2014至2015年) 蘇寧電器(何兆基@野佬──2016年) MediLASE激光永久脫毛(何兆基@野佬──2016年)


2010年度叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮 - 叱咤樂壇組合 銅獎(野仔) 2011年度叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮 - 叱咤樂壇組合 銅獎(野仔) 2012年度叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮 - 叱咤樂壇生力軍組合 銀獎(野佬) 2013年度新城勁爆頒獎禮 - 新城勁爆樂隊(野佬) 2015年度新城勁爆頒獎禮 - 新城勁爆樂隊(野佬)


不能愛(主演小胡@野佬、李思汝、鄭肇熙及葉麗嘉)── 2012年11月29日上映